Sorry it has been a while, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter!
As you know John was Catholic so would have celebrated Easter in every sense,
so alongside the religious aspect, he no doubt held great Easter Egg Hunts for his two kids Jennifer and Christopher (how much fun that would have been).
I'm not so religious but more spiritual, I believe in something, whether you want to call that God or the Universe I don't really have a label for it. I do think we are all connected, it's great to be in touch with the earth and that we should all treat each other as we would like to be treated. John did this in abundance, he had the utmost respect and generosity for everyone he met until they gave him reason not to, he reminds me very much of my dear late Dad.
So although I may not celebrate Easter in its religious guise, I do love to celebrate it. It's the start of Sping, a great time to make resolutions, it brings new and fresh hope, it's a time for new projects, to pick up old projects, give a helping hand, as well as scoffing lots of lovely chocolate eggs (it should be more celebrated than New Year in my eyes).
One of the many things I love about John is the amount of charity work he did, he was always helping someone or championing a good cause. He would throw parties for terminally ill children where there would be pizza and celebrities. He would raise funds and profile for various charities such as Scleroderna Research, Comic Relief, local hospitals and make large donations without mention of it in the media. John is so well known for comedy and acting, but he should also be known as a real humanitarian.
The book is coming along (still a little slow) I am doing a bit better but pain is really slowing me down, I will get there though and I really appreciate all your patience.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and thanks for all your support
Lots of love
Tracey xxxx

PS If you fancy helping someone who needs it, please consider supporting my dear friend in this campaign Help Octopus/Caveman
Octopus/Caveman (Co-host of Popcorn With Candy) is having a very hard time at the moment and to top it off he was brutally attacked last week. If you could give a pound or a dollar you could make all the difference to him - the money will help him replace what he lost and the kindness will give him a much needed boost xx
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