As well as it being John's birthday, it's also Halloween and let's face it, it ain't Halloween without Candy! I recently read that John enjoyed Halloween more than he did his birthday, he liked to make things about everyone else instead of about himself. He loved dressing up, he loved spending time with his kids, entertaining, I imagine he made Halloween just magical.
Make sure you go and watch that Candy movie today, share that meme, reminisce about your favourite movie of his, send some love in his direction.

In tribute to John, I am just about to release a new mini-book, on 4th November via Amazon, called The A to Z of John Candy. It has been beautifully illustrated by my friend, Gary McGarvey, or Horse, (as his design company is known). My dear old friend, Joe Shooman, stepped up to edit for me again, and Rhys Perry wiped the tears and gave words of encouragement as usual, and well the result is beautiful and something that I'm very proud of. Chock full of facts and trivia, I'm hoping it is a lovely addition to any Candy fan's collection, it's worth it for the art alone.

Finally, I would like to thank you for all your support this year. Usually, in John's birthday post I would mention the biography and how I hoped it would be out next year, this time I don't have to do that because it's now in existence. Thank you to all who have bought, read or reviewed it, it really means a lot.
So big love and a happy birthday to John and a Happy Halloween to everyone else.
Much love as always,
Tracey xx