Monday, 4 March 2019

25 Years On

Picture by Odandiee
Dear John

Well you should see the world today, full of love for you, it's like you are still here. And you are. I believe that.

Time means nothing when you leave such a legacy.

The impact you have made will never be lost. Millions of people still admire and respect you, you still crease us with laughter and make us cry with an expression. You should see all the famous twitterati talking about you - I wonder if you ever knew just how much of an influence you would have in the entertainment world and beyond?

For me, you are an inspiration. Your kindness makes me want to be a better human being. Thanks for getting me through the last seven years, I'm not sure I would still be here without you.

Sending big love to you, your family, friends and fans.

Thank you John, I hope I've done you proud,

Tracey xx


  1. Thank you Trace for writing this book a letting me be a part of it. To tell my story about how wonderful John Candy was as a person. All my love to you and all who remember and love him.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me xx
